Texas is uniquely situated in contributing to the fight against AD on a national scale. Organizations such as the Texas Alzheimer's Research and Care Consortium (TARCC) are making exciting breakthroughs towards finding a cure. Learn about how the state of Texas is leading the charge in advancements in AD research, and explore the many resources that are available to Texans.
Texas Alzheimer's Research and Care Consortium
The Texas Alzheimer’s Research and Care Consortium (TARCC) is a collaboration between nine of the state’s leading medical research institutions, working to improve early diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of Alzheimer’s disease.
Texas Health and Human Services
The Alzheimer’s Disease Program of the Texas Department of State Health Services increases awareness of the disease and addresses its burden on individuals living with Alzheimer’s disease, those who care for them, and related professionals through strategic planning with statewide partnerships.
Alzheimer’s Texas
Alzheimer’s Texas provides free information, assistance and support for those with Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias, as well as for their family members, caregivers and professionals.